2018 Easter Sunday service

Easter Sunday 2018 – He is risen! Hallelujah!
One of the congregation said “Lovely service, full church, lots of children, great music. Very uplifting.”
And indeed it was, coupled with a show of Easter Hats (with some very innovative hats!), lots of cake and choccie eggs afterwards, and an indoor Easter egg hunt (churchyard was cold and wet!), it all made a for a wonderful Easter morning. Every hat has something on it that was a symbol of new life (chicks, eggs, bunnies, flowers), which brought us round to the new life that Jesus’ death brought for everyone who wants to have it. And we found out why the wearing of Easter bonnets started, too!
And we haven’t mentioned the wonderful displays of flowers found on every windowsill and every nook and cranny. Amazing stuff from the talented Flower team. Well, just look at these photos!