2012 MYB2

For all the photos from 2012 month by month click here

2012 February 5th
Despite the overnight heavy  snowfall, around 24 people gathered at 9am for the inaugural MYB2 – the bacon/sausage butties went down a treat.
The story was about Adam and Eve and the ensuing crafts included making marzipan fruits, decorating snakes amidst much fun and laughter.

2012 March 4th
Spurred on by the success of the first event, we tried it again and – this time 31 people turned up for breakfast, a story about Noah and the Great Flood, with craft activities involving rain, animals and rainbows (of course).

April 1st
This was Palm Sunday and we did things a bit differently. Before breakfast, we walked to church, waving palms, behind our wonderful ‘donkey’, May Blossom.
We made woven palm table mats and laminated them to take home and built a fantastic Easter garden. Check out the photo gallery

May 6th
We ran out of chairs for breakfast! A nice problem to have. Our story was The Wedding in Cana, where Jesus performed his first miracle by transforming water into wine. That led to some fun activities, involving the making of water jars, and heart mobiles and heart shaped biscuits (it was a love match!) We couldn’t quite come up with a miracle, but we did turn ordinary lemonade into a pink/red fizzing concoction by adding it to very pink ice cream!

July 1st
There was a break in June to enable the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations to take place. So with renewed energy, we tackled ‘The Calming of a Great Storm’ on July 1st. We didn’t quite manage to calm a storm in our activities, but we did make origami boats and sailed them, made boat shaped cakes and ate them and made windmills. They may not have been in the original Bible story, we did have some ducks which needed rescuing from the storm and there were several races to see who could rescue their duck the fastest.

August 5th
MYB2 with a difference! Yes, there was breakfast, but pets had been invited, too, for a ‘Celebration of our Pets’. We had a go at some singing, the story was acted out with Reverend Ruth taking the part of Balaam’s donkey, all to illustrate just how important animals are to God.  We made fatball bird feeders, then each different pet received a blessing with varying degrees of compliance! We had dogs, guinea pigs, a chicken and a rabbit.

September 2nd
Back to normal for the last MYB2 before school re-starts. A fewer of us this time, maybe families were taking advantage of the sunshine for a last day out! But we had loads of fun thinking about Daniel in the Lions’ Den. Daniel was very brave and God saved him from the lions. We enjoyed lion associated crafts and hope the children saw that God could help them in any sort of scary situation.

October 7th
All about the world’s biggest picnic where no one took any food, except one little boy. He was willing to share his lunch and because of his generosity, Jesus was able to make two loaves and five fishes stretch to feed 5,000 people. We all had a brilliant time doing all sorts of fishy activities – and the marzipan fish were beautiful! For our bread activity, we rolled out and cooked chapattis, on a camping stove. Great fun. And a good lesson in the benefits of sharing.

November 4th
Following weeks of rain in the UK, with houses washed away and Hurricane Sandy devastating the US, on November 4th, we heard a very topical story of two builders and two houses—and what happened when a storm came and shook the houses. One of the builders did the right thing, but the other one did not – the wise builder put his house on a solid foundation of rock and the foolish one built his on sand. The implication was that if we put our trust in Jesus, we might be shaken by life’s problems, but we won’t collapse like the house built on sand did. Activities involved rocks, sand and houses, of course!

December 2nd
Winter had arrived by December 2nd – boy, it was cold! But we kept busy and warm. Ruth told the Advent story in which we too, can find the joy of expectation about the birth of Jesus amidst the pre- Christmas busyness. The Advent prayer candles were beautifully decorated in a very busy prayer corner, then it was on to decorating Advent biscuits, making scratch art angels and Christmas tree decorations and painting on glass to make candle holders. Click here for the photos.